Maximising Independence - ACC Funded long-term injury support
Te Amo Atawhai have professional staff available to support you to reach the maximum level of independence. We understand that you know what works best for you and your whānau, our team are great at building supports around your individual preferences, such as choosing your support team, activities, and completing tasks the way you like them done. Each kiritaki (client) is valued as our own whānau and Te Amo Atawhai weaves in with you.
We believe that everyone deserves to live life to the fullest, and we have teams who can help you get the best out of life. We can work with you to create goals and celebrate achievements.
If you have a new injury or are wanting to be supported by an alternative provider to your current one - we can help.
Call today to discuss how we can help you maximise your independence
0800 1 TE AMO (0800 183 266)