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Kaiwhakahaere Tima

Head Office Team 

LaToya Kaipo

Kairuruku Rauemi

(Resource Coordinator)

LaToya Kaipo - Kairuruku Rauemi (Resource Coordinator)

LaToya Kaipo

Ko kohukohunui te māunga
Ko Whakatiwai te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngati Paoa tōku iwi
Ko Wharekawa tōku marae
Kei te noho au ki Tāmaki Makaurau
Ko LaToya Kaipo tōku ingoa

Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.

Kia ora! My name is LaToya, also known as Toya. I am a Kairuruku Rauemi here at Te Amo Atawhai. With 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry, I value organisation, targets, and team success. Now, I embark on a Pasifika and Māori-centric healthcare journey to contribute to those in need.

Passionate about helping others, I discovered my calling in healthcare over a year ago. By embracing a Māori-centric approach, it will allow me to connect with and support my people.

Upholding our mana is key; it encompasses personal power, integrity, and the worth of all people. As Kairuruku Rauemi, I'll integrate cultural competence, respect, and awareness into our practices at Te Amo Atawhai, where we’ll create an inclusive space honouring Māori values and customs. This leads to improved health outcomes and overall well-being.

My commitment is to provide culturally appropriate care within a Māori-centric framework. With a genuine desire to help, experience, and dedication, I'm honoured to be a part of Te Amo Atawhai. Together, we'll make a positive impact.

Jamie Stafford

Kairuruku Rauemi

(Resource Coordinator)

Jamie Stafford - Kairuruku Rauemi (Resource Coordinator)

Jamie Stafford 

Ko Mt Ruapehu te maunga 

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko tainui te waka 

Ko Ngati Manipoto toku iwi 

Ko Kaitupeka toku marae

Kei te noho au ki kirikiriroa 

Ko Jamie Stafford toku ingoa

No reira, Tena koutou katoa

Kia ora, I am Jamie and I reside in Kirikiriroa and whakapapa to the King Country region and the Far North. I am a proud parent of 3 amazing tamariki.

I have held several positions in the past, mostly in administration, as a CRS representative, and most recently in support work. My desire to advance in the healthcare industry was sparked by my passion for support work. My goal is to assist individuals in leading comfortable and fulfilling lives.

I enjoy my role as Kairuruku Rauemi because it offers me the chance to help and participate with my people in a fresh way, while adopting a Māori-centric perspective. I promise to remain devoted to delivering exceptional mahi that is culturally sensitive and aligns with our goals. Kia ora 

Kylie Moana

Kaiwhakahaere Tangata me te Ahurea

(People and Culture Administrator)

Kylie Moana - Kaiwhakahaere Tangata me te Ahurea (People and Culture Administrator)

Kylie Moana

Ko Hikurangi te maunga

Ko Waiapu te awa

Ko Horouta te waka

Ko Ngati Porou te iwi

Ko Tuatini te marae

My name is Kylie, and I am a People and Culture Administrator with Te Amo Atawhai.

I have come from the beauty industry, where my job was all about helping kiritaki/clients reach their skin health goals and feeling confident in their own skin.

Now having the privilege of being a part of a Māori whānau owned and operated company that helps our kiritaki on their journey back to independence and catering to all their needs along the way with exceptional in-home cares.

Journey Hihi

Kaiwhakahaere Tangata me te Ahurea

(People and Culture Administrator)

Journey Hihi - Kaiwhakahaere Tangata me te Ahurea (People and Culture Administrator)

Journey Hihi

Kia ora ra! Kō wai tenei?

He uri tenei nō te Tairawhiti, I am a born and bred Gizzy gal!

Ko Ahititi te Maunga

Ko Wairere te Awa

Ko Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki te Iwi

Ko Waihirere te Haukainga

Ko Journey Hihi e mihi atu nei

Tihei Mauri Ora!

My name is Journey Hihi, I am a Kaiwhakahaere Tangata me te Ahurea (People and Culture Administrator) with Te Amo Atawhai.

I hail from Gisborne and have resided here in Te-Matau-a-Māui for a little over a year now.

I grew up in Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa Māori and began bilingual learning in high school, and have recently come out of Kohanga Reo as a Kaimahi.

Te Amo Atawhai captivated me purely by their passion in supporting our community all around the motu, while upholding culturally based principles.

Outside of mahi you are highly likely to find me at BFT Hastings, or outdoors with my whanau and friends.

Mauri ora!

Call today to discuss how we can help you

0800 1 TE AMO   (0800 183 266)